Matthew DeHass
MA Candidate, Languages & Literature
Graduate Student

Pronouns: he/him

I earned my B.A. in Classics here at the University of Missouri in 2022, and I am currently working on an M.A. in Classical Languages and Literature. In my undergraduate career I was interested in two facets of language study: linguistics and Latin rhetoricians. As an accepted but partial associate of the ASH Scholars team, which works on describing understudied Bantu languages in Kenya and Uganda, I transcribed a 600-word Swadesh list and wrote a research paper on the phonemic inventory and phonology of Nyole. On the Classics side, I completed a paid research project on Quintilian’s response to Cicero’s authority in the analogy vs. anomaly debate, a conflict between linguistic prescriptivism and descriptivism. Recently, I have become interested in studying variation from the standard quantitatively with corpus methods, examining characteristics of colloquial texts like Petronius, Cicero’s letters, and Egeria’s Itinerary.

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