The Department of Classics, Archaeology, and Religion at the University of Missouri has available up to three (3) funded Fellowships for students interested in pursuing a Master’s and/or PhD Degree in Classical Archaeology. MA positions are fully funded through graduate fellowships that come with stipend, tuition and health benefits, and no teaching obligations. PhD funding packages usually combine teaching assistantships, research assistantships, and fellowships from departmental, school or university sources.
Within CAR, the Ancient Mediterranean Studies program is home to interdisciplinary research on the history of the people, material culture, and texts from the Greek and Roman world. The archaeology program is especially known for its focus on culture contact and state formation in the central and western Mediterranean in the Early Iron Age and Archaic periods, architecture, urbanism, and religion in Pre-Roman and Roman Italy, Pompeian studies, and the application of digital methods for the collection, visualization, and presentation of archaeological data.
Students will enjoy close faculty mentorship and a significant degree of freedom in crafting their academic plan. The department fosters close collaboration with colleagues in the Religious Studies program as well as with allied faculty in Anthropology and the Archaeometry Laboratory at the University of Missouri Research Reactor (MURR) whose work focuses on prehistoric religion, cultural transmission, artifact analysis and provenance studies, and quantitative archaeological methods. Interested students can also gain experience in museum methods, object handling, and primary research in a professional museum setting through research assistantships offered by the Museum of Art and Archaeology, the only AAM-accredited museum in mid-Missouri and the only accredited museum in the UM System. By cultivating language, writing, and research skills, students will develop a competitive portfolio for applying to doctoral programs, and PhD students the training and preparation to pursue careers both within and outside of academia.
For more information about our program requirements and about the application process please see the Application and Admissions page on this website: The department is committed to creating an inclusive environment and welcomes applications from underrepresented students. The application deadline to be considered for funding is January 15, 2022.