Graduate students in Ancient Mediterranean Studies have at their disposal the academic and cultural resources of a Research I university, including the MU Museum of Art and Archaeology, Ellis Library, Special Collections, and a wide range of departments and programs offering opportunities for comparative and interdisciplinary study. The Archaeometry Laboratory at MU’s Research Reactor (MURR) also provides opportunities for archaeology students to gain experience in archaeometric methods and to conduct lab-based thesis research.
Our home, Swallow Hall, contains a sizeable working-library, the Ferd and Ann Labrunerie Classics Library (shown on this page), for graduate study and research. Our subscription to the Brepols Library of Latin Texts gives students access to vast digital resources and databases for the study of Latin, and three terminals in Swallow Hall are available for graduate students’ use of the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (TLG).
Because we are a contributing member of the following national and international organizations and institutions, our graduate students may take advantage of the resources and facilities they provide:
American School of Classical Studies at Athens
Classical Association of the Middle West and South
Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies in Rome
We are also the home of the Central Missouri chapter of the Archaeological Institute of America, which provides access to the AIA's National Lecture Program and other sponsored local events.