Tim Carson teaches liminal studies in the Honors College and Religion and Popular Culture in the Department of Classics, Archaeology, and Religion in the University of Missouri. He continues to research, write, speak, and teach on all things liminal. He serves as the co-founder of the Guild for Engaged Liminality and The Liminality Press and is the author/editor of five books on Liminality.
B.Ed - Drury University 1976
M.Div - Brite Divinity School 1980
D.Min - Eden Theological School 1996
Liminal Reality and Transformational Power, 2nd edition (The Lutterworth Press, 2016)
Crossing Thresholds: A Practical Theology of Liminality (The Lutterworth Press, 2018)
Neither Here nor There: The Many Voices of Liminality (The Lutterworth Pres, 2019)
The Liminal Loop: Astonishing Stories of Discovery and Hope (The Lutterworth Press, 2022)
Leaning into the Liminal: A Guide for Counselors and Companions (The Liminality Press, 2024)
Website: https://www.theliminalityproject.org/
Guild for Engaged Liminality: https://engagedliminality.org/
The Liminality Press: https://www.liminalitypress.com/