Rabia Gregory
Associate Professor of Religious Studies

A.B., Religion and Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Duke University, 2000.

M.A., Religious Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2004.

Ph.D., Religious Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2007.


My primary research interest is the history of Christianity in Medieval and Early Modern Europe. I approach the study of religion through book history, material culture, and theories of gender. My first book, Marrying Jesus in Medieval and Early Modern Northern Europe: Popular Culture and Religious Reform (Ashgate) uses previously unpublished cultural artifacts to revise longstanding assumptions about religion, gender, and popular culture. In it, I demonstrated that by the fourteenth century, worldly, sexually active brides of Christ, both male and female, were no longer aberrations and provide a history of the dispersion of theology about the bride of Christ in the period between the twelfth and seventeenth centuries and explains how this metaphor, initially devised for a religious elite, became integral to the laity’s pursuit of salvation. I have also published on the relationship between religion, new media, and medieval culture in contemporary video games. I am currently preparing a critical introduction, biography, and facing-page edition and translation of the poetry of Anna Bijns (1493-1575). My next major book project, "Christian Pulp: Material Religion in the Age of Paper” documents how the introduction of affordable paper to western Europe changed Christianity. I also co-edit the interdisciplinary book series Christianities Before Modernity, which interrogates the traditional chronological, geographical, social, and institutional boundaries of premodern Christianity


Spring 2025

Religious Studies/History 4573 Religion in Missouri



NEH Summer Stipend, 2023

2023 Individual Shared Governance Award, MU Faculty Council

Hanson Lee Dulin Fellow, Folger Shakespeare Library, 2022-23

Provost's Research Leave, 2022-23

UM System Presidential Engagement Fellow, 2021-2

PI: Confluences: Religious Diversity in Missouri, Missouri Humanities Council, 2021

Co-PI: Confluences 2: Religion and Health in Missouri, 2021, funded by UM System Tier 3

2018 Alumnae Anniversary Award, Department of Women’s and Gender Studies and the Chancellor’s Committee on the Status of Women.

Addressing Religious Diversity in the Land Grant University Classroom, Project Grant, Wabash Center for Teaching in Theology and Religion, 2017-19

Multi-Campus Course Share Initiative for Monastic Worlds, Spring 2015

Wabash Center Teaching and Learning Workshop for Pre-Tenure Religion Faculty in Colleges and Universities, 2011-12

UM Research Board, Academic Year 2010-11

Provost's Research Leave, Academic Year 2010-11

Individual Research Grant by the American Academy of Religion 2009

2009 NEH Summer Seminar for College and University Teachers: The Reformation of the Book: 1450-1650

Select Publications

Confluences: Religion, Health, and Diversity in Missouri. Co-edited by Signe Cohen and Rabia Gregory, University of Missouri Press, 2025.  

"Printing Prophecy Before 1550: Fame, Piety, and Gender in Northern Europe." in Gender and the Book Trades edited by Elise Watson and Jessica Farrell-Jobst, Brill, 2025. P. 298-322.

“The Illusion of Medieval Christianity.” in Pietas Litterata. Internationales Jahrbuch Für religiöses Wissen in der deutschen Literatur des Spätmittelaters und der Frühen Neuzeit. vol. 1, 2023, p. 91-116.

“Visual Exegesis and the Song of Songs” in The Companion to the Song of Songs in Christian Spirituality edited by Timothy Robinson, Brill, 2021  p. 294-326

“Cyborg Chimeras and Organic Meatbags: Gender, Religion, and the History of Videogames”  Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 84.3 2016 p. 641- 664 https://academic.oup.com/jaar/article/84/3/641/1751477/Gaming-Religionworlds-Why-Religious-Studies-Should#36240451

Marrying Jesus in Medieval and Early Modern Northern Europe: Popular Culture and Religious Reform (ISBN 978-1-4724-2266-8) Ashgate Publishing Company, February 2016

"Black as a Coconut and White as a Tusk: African Materials and European Displays of Christ Before Columbus" Journal of Africana Religions 2.3 July 2014 p. 395-408.

"Thinking of their Sisters: Authority and Authorship in Late Medieval Women’s Religious Communities" Journal of Medieval Religious Cultures, Vol 40.1 January 2014 p. 75-100.

"Citing the Medieval: Using Religion as World Building Infrastructure in Fantasy MMORPGs." In Finding Religion in Digital Gaming, edited by Heidi Campbell and Gregory Grieve, Indiana University Press, 2014. P. 134-153

"Obedient cats and other not-quite-miracles in Sisterbooks from the Devotio Moderna" in Medieval Perspectives vol. 22 (p. 41-63).

http://www.mdpi.com/2077-1444/3/3/646  Gregory, Rabia. 2012. "Penitence, Confession, and the Power of Submission in Late Medieval Women's Religious Communities." Religions 3, no. 3: 646-661