Ph.D., Indiana University
- AHA 1110: History of Ancient and Medieval Art
- AHA 3120: Art and Gender in Antiquity
- AHA 3210: Art and Archaeology of Egypt and the Near East
- AHA 3310: Greek Art and Archaeology
- AHA 4320/7320 Art & Archaeology of the Aegean Bronze Age
- AHA 4340/7340 Greek Architecture
- AHA 4350/7350: Greek Pottery
- AHA 4360/7360: Greek Sculpture
- AHA 4996/8110 Introduction to Graduate Studies
- AHA 8320 Seminar in Greek Art and Archaeology
Corinth XVIII. The Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore: Archaic Terracotta Figurines and Figurines of Handmade and Lingering Archaic Styles, Princeton University Press (in progress)
“Greek Geometric Bronzes and the Consequences of Esteem,” chapter in Sarah Kielt Costello, Paul R. Davis, and John L. Hopkins, eds., Biographies of Ancient Objects: Arts of the Ancient World in the Menil Collection. Yale University Press and Menil Collection (forthcoming)
"Changing States: Daily Life of Children in Mycenaean and Eartly Iron Age Greece," chapter in L. Beaumont, M. Dillon, and N. Harrington, eds., Children in Antiquity: Perspectives and Experience of Childhood in the Ancient Mediterranean, Routledge Press (forthcoming)
"The Arts and Iconography of Late Geometric Greece," chapter in C. Antonaccio and J.B. Carter, eds., The Cambridge Companion to the Greek Early Iron Age, Cambridge UP (forthcoming)
"Geometric Pottery for Beginners: Children and Production in Early Greece," chapter in V. Vlachou and Athena Tsingarida, eds., Pots, Workshops and Early Iron Age Society: Function and Role of Ceramics in Early Greece, Études d'archéologie a l'Université Libre de Bruxelles, CReA vol. 7. (2015)
"(Seeking) Social life in the Early Iron Age Cyclades," chapter in J.-P. Descoeudres and S. Paspalas, eds., Zagora in Context: Settlements and Intercommunal Links in the Geometric Period (900-700 BC). Mediterranean Archaeology vol. 25. (2015)
"The Ends and Means of Childhood: Mourning Children in Early Greece," chapter in G. Coskunsu, ed., Children as Archaeological Enigma: Interdisciplinary Approaches. Institute for European and Mediterranean Archaeology, SUNY Buffalo. (2015)
"Children as Learners and Producers in Early Greece," chapter in J. Evans-Grubbs and T. Parkin, eds., Oxford Handbook of Childhood and Education in the Classical World, Oxford University Press (2013)
"The Master of Animals in Archaic Greece," in D. B. Counts and B. Arnold, eds., The Master of Animals in Old World Archaeology, Archeolingua (2010)
Art and Identity in Dark Age Greece. 1100-700 B.C.E. Cambridge University Press, (2008; paperback 2010)
“It’s a Man’s Man’s World: Soziales Leben in den Dark Ages,” in Zeit der Helden: Die ‘dunklen Jahrhunderte’ Griechenlands 1200-700 v. Chr. Badisches Landesmuseum (2008) 101-112
"The Awkward Age: Art and Maturation in Early Greece," in A. Cohen and J. Rutter, eds., Constructions of Childhood in the Ancient World, 2007, 173-191
“Maiden Voyage: Marriage Iconography in Late Geometric Art,” in E. Rystedt and B. Wells, eds., Pictorial Pursuits: Figurative Painting on Mycenaean and Geometric Pottery (2006) 205-215
“Views of Wealth, A Wealth of Views: Grave Goods in Iron Age Attica,” in D. Lyons and R. Westbrook, eds., Women and Property in Ancient Near Eastern and Mediterranean Societies, Center for Hellenic Studies (2005) (download article here)
From Pasture to Polis: Art in the Age of Homer, exhibition catalogue (University of Missouri Press, 1992)
Artifact and Assemblage: The Finds from a Regional Survey of the Southern Argolid, Greece, I. The Prehistoric and Early Iron Age Pottery and the Lithic Artifacts (Stanford University Press, 1995), with C. N. Runnels and D. J. Pullen
New Light on a Dark Age: Papers from a Symposium accompanying the Exhibition "From Pasture to Polis: Art in the Age of Homer" (University of Missouri Press, 1997)
"Significant Others in Geometric Art: An Early Greek Image Lost and Found," in American Journal of Archaeology 102 (1998) 251-70
"Figurines and Social Change: Visualizing Gender in Dark Age Greece," in From the Ground Up: Beyond Gender Theory in Archaeology. Proceedings of the Fifth Gender and Archaeology Conference. British Archaeological Reports, 1999.
"Beyond the Grave: Biographies From Early Greece," American Journal of Archaeology 105 (2001) 579-606