Raymond Marks
Associate Professor of Classical Studies; Language Sequence Coordinator
222 Swallow Hall

I received my B.A. in Classical Studies from the University of Pennsylvania (1992) and my Ph.D. in Classics from Brown University (1999). Before coming to Missouri, I spent a year as a D.A.A.D. Research grant recipient at Ruprecht-Karls University in Heidelberg, Germany (1997-1998) and was a Visiting Lecturer in Classical Studies at the University of Pennsylvania (1999-2000). I have been at MU since 2000.

My teaching covers language courses, mostly Latin, at the beginning, intermediate, and advanced undergraduate levels, in-translation courses on Greek and Roman topics, including AMS 2100: The Ancient Greeks and AMS 2200: The Ancient Romans, and graduate courses, including seminars on post-Augustan epic (Lucan, Valerius Flaccus, Statius, Silius Italicus).

My primary area of research is Roman epic in the Flavian period, but my interests extend to poetry of the Augustan and Neronian periods as well. My research is currently focused on the reception of Ovid in Valerius Flaccus' Argonautica. I am also a contributing editor (Latin & Greek texts) for Vetusta Monumenta: Ancient Monuments, A Digital Edition.

Select and Recent Publications


2024    Off the Beaten Path: Ovidian Journeys in Valerius Flaccus' Argonautica. Trends in Classics Supplementary Volumes 161. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter.

2021    Domitian's Rome and the Augustan Legacy, co-editor with M. Mogetta. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

2005    From Republic to Empire: Scipio Africanus in the Punica of Silius Italicus. Studien zur klassischen Philologie 152. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

Articles and Chapters

2023    "Of Philosophers, Crowns, and Boundary Stones: Revisiting Cipus in Metamorphoses 15," Dictynna 20.

2022    "Silius and Ovid's Roman History," in A. Augoustakis and M. Fucecchi, eds., Silius Italicus and the Tradition of the Roman Historical Epos. Leiden: Brill: pp. 77-102.

2021    "Introduction" (with M. Mogetta), in Domitian's Rome and the Augustan Legacy: pp. 1-12.

2020    "Searching for Ovid at Cannae: A Contribution to the Reception of Ovid in Silius Italicus' Punica," in N. Coffee, C. Forstall, L. Galli Milić, and D. Nelis, eds., Intertextuality in Flavian Epic Poetry: Contemporary Approaches. Berlin: De Gruyter: pp. 87-106.

2019    "Fides, Pietas, and the Outbreak of Hostilities in Punica 1," in A. Augoustakis, E. Buckley, and C. Stocks, eds., Fides in Flavian Literature. Toronto: University of Toronto Press: pp. 171-186.

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