- BA in Latin, Mary Washington College of the University of Virginia
- MA in Classics and PhD in Classical Philology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Greek and Roman Rhetoric and Oratory; Thetical Rhetoric and Argumentation; Cicero's Paradoxa Stoicorum; Cicero's Pro Pro Cluentio; Lucretius; Alcuin.
Classical Humanities: Foreigners and Dangerous Women in Greek and Latin Lliterature (writing intensive); Greek and Roman Characters and Ideals (writing intensive); Murder and Mayhem: Images of Justice in Greek and Roman Literature (writing intensive); Greek Culture; Roman Culture.
Classics: Seminar in Ancient Rhetoric and Oratory; Seminar in Graeco-Roman Didactic; Seminar in the Literature and Culture of the Roman Republic.
Greek: Greek Historians; Greek Oratory; Proseminar in Greek Texts.
Latin: The Age of Cicero; Age of Scipio; Survey of Latin Literature (topics vary); Latin Poetry (Catullus; Lucretius; Vergil); Latin Prose (Caesar; Cicero;Sallust); Proseminar in Latin Texts.
Illinois Classical Studies, 42. 2 (Fall, 2017) ed. Angeliki Tzanetou; Antony Augoustakis and Barbara Wallach, Guest Editors: Libri Carolini sive Opus Caroli Magni Contra Synodum Auctore Alcuino Recensuit et Notis Instruxit, ed. Luitpold Wallach. pp. 319-468.
Article: Barbara Wallach, "Luitpold Wallach: A Biography," Illinois Classical Studies, 42.2 (Fall 2017), pp. 267-272.
Article: Luitpold Wallach, Antony Augoustakis, and Barbara Wallach, "Alcuin's Authorship of the Llibri Carolini: Theodulfian Fictions and Elective Affinities," Illinois Classical Studies 42.2 (Fall, 2017) pp. 279-317.