The MA program in Archaeology focuses on the material culture of ancient Greece and Rome and is designed to prepare students for advanced work in Archaeology and related fields.

Expected time to degree: 2 years.

General Requirements

  • 30 total credit hours at the graduate (7000+) level
  • 24 hours of required total hours in residence at MU
  • 12 hours of required total hours at the seminar (8000+) level
  • No more than 40% of required total hours in research, readings, and problems courses

N.B. Graduate students receiving financial support in the form of full-time (.5) assistantships are expected to register for 9 credit hours of graduate level coursework per semester.

Program-Specific Minimums & Requirements

Credit Hours

  • min. 18 hours (= 6 classes) in Archaeology, of which 9 (= 3 classes) at the seminar level
  • min. 6 hours (= 2 classes) in AMS Language/Literature coursework


1 credit hour class required of all first-year AMS graduate students.

A 3 credit hour class required of all AMS graduate students examining the relationship between texts and material culture.


Proficiency in Greek or Latin must be demonstrated (by exam, coursework, or the equivalent) by the end of one’s course of study.

Proficiency must be demonstrated (by exam, coursework, or the equivalent) by the end of one’s course of study.

Thesis and Examination

Candidates are not required to write a thesis. Should they choose to do so, they will assemble a thesis committee in consultation with the director of graduate studies. It is expected that thesis-writers will sign up for 3 credit hours of AMS 8090: Master’s Thesis Research in each semester of their second year of graduate study.

A final oral examination is given by a faculty committee selected by the student in consultation with the director of graduate studies. The examination will include a defense either of a thesis (if the candidate has chosen to write one) or of a compiled portfolio of seminar papers.